Benefits for Members
- A member is eligible for a loan after 6 months of shares contributions
- Loans are given 3 times of the member’s shares balance
- A maximum of 10 years is being given to members to reimburse their loan depending on their capacity of payment decided by the board.
- A member can remain active in the society till the age of 70
- Loans and shares deductions are made by check off monthly only
- A yearly dividend is payable to members on their total shares contributions depending on surplus of profit making which is decided by the AGM
- Loan coverage by SICOM after member’s death
- In case of death, the total amount of shares are refunded to the nominees by the society and the insurance as well
- Members are invited to an Annual General Assembly to make them aware about the society business and its benefits
- Member’s dependant children, spouse and relatives have the right to be members of our society
Loans and Deposits
1 The society may accept deposits and loans from members and non-members as may be decided by the Board.
2 The General Meeting shall from time to time fix the maximum amount, which the society may receive in deposits and loans from members and non-members.
3 The General Meeting shall fix the rates of interest on deposits and loans.
4 Each depositor shall be. issued with a passbook or certificate by the society.